Debugging with the Clasp debugger

Clasp provides two ways of debugging code. In interactive sessions Clasp invokes a built in Common Lisp debugger when errors or other exceptional situations arise. The Clasp compiler also generates DWARF debugging information that can be used by the GDB debugger (and hopefully soon the LLDB debugger) to display Clasp Common Lisp source information interleaved with C++ source information.

To see this start up clasp and type what follows the > prompt:

Top level.
> (defun c () (break "In c"))

> (defun b () (c))

> (defun a () (b))

> (a)

Condition of type: SIMPLE-CONDITION
In c

Available restarts:
(use :r1 to invoke restart 1)

1. (CONTINUE) Return from BREAK.
2. (RESTART-TOPLEVEL) Go back to Top-Level REPL.

Broken at frame[14] CORE::REP.
 File: #<CORE:SOURCE-FILE-INFO #P"/Users/meister/Development/clasp/src/lisp/kernel/lsp/top.lsp"> (Position #573)

The double prompt >> indicates that we are now in the Clasp Common Lisp debugger. This debugger is inherited from ECL (because Clasp uses the excellent Common Lisp source code from ECL). To get a list of commands that are available in the debugger type:

>> :h

Top level commands:
:cf		Compile file.
:exit or ^D	Exit Lisp.
:ld		Load file.
:step		Single step form.
:tr(ace)	Trace function.
:untr(ace)	Untrace function.
:pwd	Print the current value of *default-pathname-defaults*.
:cd	Change the current value of *default-pathname-defaults*.

Help commands:
:apropos	Apropos.
:doc(ument)	Document.
:h(elp) or ?	Help.  Type ":help help" for more information.

Break commands:
:q(uit)		Return to some previous break level.
:pop		Pop to previous break level.
:c(ontinue)	Continue execution.
:b(acktrace)	Print backtrace.
:f(unction)	Show current function.
:p(revious)	Go to previous function.
:d(own)         Alias to :previous.
:n(ext)		Go to next function.
:u(p)           Alias to :next.
:g(o)		Go to next function.
:fs             Search forward for function.
:bs             Search backward for function.
:disassemble	Disassemble current function.
:l(ambda-)e(expression)	Show lisp code for current function.
:v(ariables)	Show local variables, functions, blocks, and tags.
:hide		Hide function.
:unhide		Unhide function.
:hp		Hide package.
:unhp		Unhide package.
:unhide-all     Unhide all variables and packages.
:bds            Show binding stack.
:frs            Show frame stack.
:m(essage)      Show error message.
:hs		Help stack.
:i(nspect)      Inspect value of local variable.

Restart commands:
:r1             Return from BREAK. (CONTINUE).
:r2             Go back to Top-Level REPL. (RESTART-TOPLEVEL).

Clasp/ECL use Common Lisp keywords to activate debugger functionality.

To generate a backtrace type:

>> :b

--------STACK TRACE--------
   frame#  0toplevel         epilogueForm     0/0   REPL
   frame#  1/c              top.lsp   419/2   CORE::TOP-LEVEL
   frame#  2/c              top.lsp   615/21  CORE::TPL
   frame#  3/c              top.lsp   605/32  CORE::REP
   frame#  4/b  2353/0   CORE:TOP-LEVEL-EVAL-WITH-ENV
   frame#  5/b  2351/0   CORE:COMPILE-FORM-AND-EVAL-WITH-ENV
   frame#  6/c            -no-file-     1/0   nil
   frame#  7/c            -no-file-     1/0   A
   frame#  8/c            -no-file-     1/0   B
   frame#  9/c            -no-file-     1/0   C
   frame# 10/c       conditions.lsp   457/8   COMMON-LISP:BREAK
   frame# 11/c              top.lsp  1507/9   COMMON-LISP:INVOKE-DEBUGGER
   frame# 12/c              top.lsp  1489/5   CORE::DEFAULT-DEBUGGER
   frame# 13/c              top.lsp   618/7   CORE::TPL
-->frame# 14/c              top.lsp   605/32  CORE::REP
   frame# 15/b  2353/0   CORE:TOP-LEVEL-EVAL-WITH-ENV
   frame# 16/b  2351/0   CORE:COMPILE-FORM-AND-EVAL-WITH-ENV
   frame# 17/c            -no-file-     0/0   nil
   frame# 18/c              top.lsp  1088/3   CORE::TPL-BACKTRACE
   frame# 19/b     712/0   CORE:IHS-BACKTRACE


The —-> indicates the current frame that the debugger has stopped on. Since the error handling code and the debugger functions are all written in Common Lisp, those functions also appear on the backtrace. The functions we entered are in frames 7, 8, and 9.

At this point we could go to a specific frame using :g and view the environment of that frame using :v or we can print variables by just typing their names.

For now we will just leave the debugger and return to the top level REPL by invoking a restart.

>> :r2


Now we are back in the top level REPL and can continue working.

Next I’ll show you how to use the DWARF generated debugging information embedded in compiled Common Lisp code to debug Clasp using GDB or LLDB.